Cambridge Chemistry Challenge 2018
Did you hear about the new restaurant on the moon?u00a0 The food is excellent, but thereu2019s no atmosphere!u00a0 One solution to the dinersu2019 predicament would be to extract oxygen from moon rock (FeTiO3) and this was one of the chemical problems that our Year 12 Chemists tackled on their way to success in the Cambridge Chemistry Challenge.u00a0
The competition is open to the top students in the UK and the bar is set so high that certificates are only awarded to the top 60% of entrants.u00a0 However, all 10 of our students were successful.u00a0 Copper awards were achieved by Bethan Thomas, Kolya Schwinge, Luka Karathanos, Felicity Dunn, Ellen Harman, Finbar Kneen and Ruth Garner.u00a0 Special congratulations go to Max Toy, Kris Shears and Ben Lavers who were rewarded with gold certificates for being in the top 8% of candidates. u00a0
Dr Hall