Language Leaders 2017

A very happy group of students at the end of their workshops!
A huge well done to the nine year 12 students above from Churston Ferrers Grammar School who are well on the way to qualifying for the Languages Leaders Awards.
Churston Ferrers Grammar School is proud of its strong links with primary schools in the bay: French and Spanish workshops are offered at Churston on a fortnightly basis for children aged eight to ten; sixth formers play a big part in this connection too! The picture above was taken on Thursday 21st September 2017 at Shiphay Academy where year 12 students taught French, Spanish and Italian to year six children.
All nine students were a credit to Churston, they delivered well -paced, fun and interactive. The sixth formers deployed an array of games and engaging activities to enthuse young children and help them develop further their interest in language learning. The activities were “maravillosas” and needless to say that it was heartbreaking for the children to say “au revoir ” Teachers at Shiphay academy were really impressed by the level of professionalism of our students, it was a pleasure to see them teach the children.
Isabelle V Bright
Head of MFL at Churston Ferrers Grammar School
Reflecting on the day
“I really enjoyed the experience and I believed it went really well. I would definitely recommend it as it is a great opportunity to show your ability to be organised and ability to interact with younger people. It is good for your confidence and I have learnt that I can be organised when put my mind to it. I really appreciated the experience” Adam Reed
“I thought the workshop went really well, the kids seemed to enjoy themselves and learn a bit of Spanish” Joe Goodall
“I think it was an amazing experience. I had a great time with my friend doing the PowerPoint and at the same time it’s been a really interesting experience. Being a “teacher” for an hour helped me to understand how it feels being on the other side because I wasn’t just sat at my desk listening to the lesson as usual, but I was speaking in front of a class of children trying to entertain them with activities and games but at the same time trying to teach them something. From this experience I’ve learnt that teaching it’s not as easy at it seems and that a lesson is not good if the students are not involved. It always has to be a dialogue, not a monologue where it’s only the teacher speaking but everyone has to feel part of the lesson, sharing their own ideas and opinions. “ Alessandro Saba
“I think the workshop was a great success. It was a really good way to use my French amongst the community. I also enjoyed the enthusiasm that the kids displayed; it really made the whole experience worthwhile. I would definitely recommend it to anyone who really wants to use their French in a more creative manner. From this experience, I have learnt that I enjoy teaching young children. In fact, I have even started considering being a French teacher one day.” Rhianon Bowles