Churston Ferrers Grammar School

Tel: 01803 842289


Churston Enrichment


In developing our co-curricular offer at Churston, we focus on providing broad and exciting lunchtime activities that nurture our students’ character, talents, interests and wellbeing.  Students’ tutors support their tutees with their co-curricular choices and with finding the right balance in their weekly routines.    


We aim for our co-curricular programme to support and empower our young people to learn new skills, overcome challenges and build their confidence whilst having great fun along the way!  With this in mind, we encourage you as parents and carers to explore our co-curricular timetable and encourage your child to try out new clubs and immerse themselves in school life beyond the classroom. 

Please click on the link below to explore the wide range of clubs on offer at Churston:

Sixth Form Active Citizenship

We encourage all of our students to attend at least one co-curricular activity a week and our year 12 students are also working towards completing 10, 30, 50 or 100 hours of active citizenship gaining external accreditation through Vinspired.  


Our sixth form students proactively seek opportunities from those listed in our active citizenship menu or develop pioneering ideas, such as setting up new clubs or raising funds to support local charities. 

Please click on the link below to explore the wide range of active citizenship opportunities on offer at Churston:
ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP – Sixth Form Active Citizenship

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