Careers and Aspirations: Autumn Update
A number of events to promote careers and aspirations have taken place in school over the last half term:
- Our Sixth Form Art, Textiles and Photography students attended a presentation delivered by Bruce Timson, Course Leader for the Art and Design Foundation Course at King Edward VI Community College, Totnes; the course delivers a thorough grounding in the basic principles of art and design and secures its students a place on a BA (Hons) degree that requires the Foundation Course as a prerequisite to entry.
- Ex-Churston student Luke returned to school to talk about his experience as a KPMG Apprentice. Luke provided information regarding the apprenticeship route as an alternative to going to university.
- In support of our u2018Speakers in Schools Programmeu2019, Dr Sarah Wollaston MP, delivered an informative Question and Answer session to our A-Level students, and students from throughout the school with an interest in politics or economics.
- In October, students had the opportunity to meet with the Work Experience and Careers Co-ordinator for the NHS Torbay and South Devon Foundation Trust. The drop-in sessions proved hugely popular and many students expressed an interest in enrolling for Lab Experience Days or for general work experience.u00a0
- Churston is supported by an Independent Careers Advisor, who visits the school periodically, offering a selection of Year 11 students one-to-one support.
- Year 9 students recently participated in an employability skills workshop, hosted by the Institute of Grocery Distribution (IGD) and Feeding Britainu2019s Future, a nationwide education programme. The session focussed on the transferable skills students can develop from both the compulsory subjects they will be studying for GCSE, and their option choices. Volunteers in diverse roles explained how their own skills and experiences are connected to what they have done at school.
Please keep checking our website for future events. For example:
- u2018Tomorrowu2019s Engineers Weeku2019, 5th-9th November
- Year 11 u2018Future Choicesu2019
- Marine Biologist talk, delivered by one of Churstonu2019s ex-students