
Bronze DofE Award – a record achievement!

63 of our Y10 students have now completed their Bronze DofE Awards, and their success has been celebrated in assembly with the presentation of certificates and Bronze badges. This is a record breaking year group for Churston, with more completed awards still to come too – well done everyone, we are very proud of you! 
Any Bronze Award holder has applied a lot of effort to become one, and this is very well recognised by employers, universities and in the wider local community. The impact that this has within the school as a whole is immeasurable, through involvement in clubs and activities, giving time to help with events or mentoring younger students and a general positivity within the year group in particular – it is a real community builder, through individual effort and achievement. 
Our Bronzes could not have achieved what they have without the time and encouragement of people who have taken on the role of section assessors – either adults in school, or involved in a local community group or organisation. The summer expeditions also rely hugely on school staff giving up their own time to support on checkpoints and in camp overnight, as assessors and supervisors. DofE runs on volunteer power, from the participants and the adults involved in every section and at every level – thankyou! 
Julia Lewis
Strategic Lead for Enrichment & DofE Manager