A proportion of the Pupil Premium funding will be given to the School Support Fund. This is a fund designed to support students with significant financial barriers. The availability of this fund, and details on accessing the fund, has been communicated to the parents/guardians of students who are eligible for Pupil Premium funding. Students/parents who wish to apply for support from this fund will need to complete the School Support Fund application form.
As the nature of disadvantage is complex, access to this fund is available to any student in financial need, irrespective of their eligibility for FSM. Access to this fund is mostly, but not exclusively, outlined in the defined activities below:
- Payment for peripatetic music lessons
- Payment for school trips
- Payment for enrichment activities
- Payment for school uniform and essential equipment
- Payment for travel costs
If you have any questions or queries relating to the student support fund, please contact Mr Glew via email on: mark.glew@churston.torbay.sch.uk
Applications are considered on an individual basis and a decision in response to any application for support will be communicated in writing within 14 days of the application. If you are unsuccessful in your application to the School Support Fund and wish to appeal the decision you need to do so in writing to Mr Simpson (Headteacher) within 14 days of the decision. Appeals are considered by Mr Glew, Mr Simpson and a School Governor.