Churston Ferrers Grammar School

Tel: 01803 842289


A Level – Fashion & Textiles

Entry Requirements

Art, Art Textiles or Design Technology –  Grade 6

Examination Board: OCR (H604)

Introduction/General Advice and Requirements

Throughout the course, students will develop a working knowledge of materials, processes and techniques within Fashion and Textile Design. Fundamental to the course are the major Textile techniques of applique, machine embroidery, quilting, knitting, weaving, patchwork and free machine stitching. Students will have the opportunity to work in some of the following areas: multimedia experimentation, drawing, fibre arts, hand painting, costume and fashion design.

Course Content & Assessment

The A level qualification comprises of two components

1 Personal Investigation: (120 marks) 60% of total A level. The Personal Investigation comprises of two elements.

  • A practical portfolio of practical work, showing a personal response to a theme, brief or stimulus.
  • A related written study of a minimum of 1000 words.

2 Externally Set Task: (80 marks) 40% of total A level.

  • The early release paper on the 1st February will provide students with a number of themes, from which ONE must be chosen. This unit of work will then end with a final 15 hour unaided practical assessment in April.

All the work is internally assessed and externally moderated.


An extremely broad range of career opportunities exist for students studying Art and Textile Design. A specialist foundation course in Art and Design can be followed before going onto a degree at university. Direct entry to fashion design/buying degrees. Careers in fashion, buying, sales, promotion, shop/window display etc. are also widely available.