On Friday 27th September the S.W.A.T schools gathered to determine the winners of the MFL video competition for the 2019 academic year. The challenge was to create a video in the target language, a video which would stand out by the quality of its content and techniques used. All videos were of very good quality and the jury attributed an award to all videos submitted. There was however only one overall award for the language submitted, we are pleased to announce that the videos submitted by Poppy Brinicombe and Emma Hutchins, then in year 8 won the overall award for French!
French, German and Spanish departments all submitted their videos and all received praise and accreditation for their work:
The German video with a focus on two way prepositions was attributed the inexplicable German grammar award! Wonderbar might we say to Charley, Heide, Rory, Elle and Mrs Godwin!
The Spanish video with a focus on singing your way through languages received the MFL has talent award. Sam excelled in singing and dancing on a Spanish song ¡Fantástico!
The French video scooped 2 prizes: Poppy and Emma won the MFL Teachers in the making award and the coveted overall award for French! Their video truly inspired due to its quality, the language used. Both pupils did the school proud as their French video stood out amongst competitors in years eight, nine, ten and eleven who displayed great talent too. Bravo Poppy and Emma!
The S.W.A.T. alliance is comprised of Bishop Wordsworths School, Bournemouth School for Girls, Churston Ferrers Grammar School, Colyton Grammar School, Devonport High School for Boys, Devonport High School for Girls, Parkstone Grammar School, Plymouth High School for Girls, Poole Grammar School, South Wilts Grammar School, Torquay Boys Grammar School, Torquay Girls Grammar School. The S.W.A.T. Challenge event took place at Colyton Grammar School.