Name of Student
Telephone No
Date of Birth
Current Year Group
Parent Email Address
Parent/Carer Name

Name of Current School
Address of Current School
Telephone No of Current School

Name of last Primary School
Address of last Primary School
Telephone No of last Primary School

Results Scores Achieved
Please attach verification of these scores if possible

Is your child currently in receipt of Free School Meals?
Has your child received Free School Meals in the last 6 years?
(Do NOT include the universal meals scheme in Reception, Years 1 & 2)
Does either of your child's parents serve in the Armed Forces?
Has your child been registered as a 'service child' on the January school census at any point since 2015?
Is your child a Looked After Child (by the Local Authority) or a child who was previously looked after and on the eligible list (please refer to policy for full details)?

Please state the reason why you are seeking an in-year admission to Churston Ferrers Grammar School.
Please detail below any access arrangements that are needed by the candidate for the examinations (proof will be needed of conditions for which extra time is requested) and if there are any special circumstances of which the school needs to be aware.

By submitting this form, you are registering your child for an in-year admissions test at Churston Ferrers Grammar School. If you require further information, please contact the School Reception on 01803 842289 or email Mrs Vanessa Wolf -